About Next Green

About Next Green

About Next Green

About Next Green

Polebox 330 s med laddbox Charge Amps Auro

We create charging points

Sweden and the world are currently in one of the biggest technological changes that have taken place in the last 100 years; the transition to electric cars.

Our task is to be involved in creating charging points. Next Green provides partners with the best solutions for every given occasion.

Next Green AB är specialiserade på lösningar inom E-mobility. Tillsammans med våra kunder, ofta elektriker, fastighetsägare, företag, destinationer, hotell, kommuner och bostadsrättsföreningar tar vi fram lämpligt laddsystem. Utöver laddsystem så utvecklar, designar och tillverkar vi egna produkter inom sortimentet montage- och installationstillbehör.

Next Green tillhandahåller ett komplett sortiment som behövs vid installation av laddlösningar för fordon.

Med hjälp av vår utvecklingsavdelning tar vi fram kundunika lösningar oberoende av fabrikat. Kontakta oss för vidare diskussion eller besök oss i Mora.

Polebox 330 s med laddbox Charge Amps Auro

Why choose Next Green?

Why choose Next Green?

We love to be involved already in the planning stage.

We offer and deliver equipment to electrical installers, property owners, companies, municipalities, destinations and private individuals around Sweden. We collaborate with some of the market’s best manufacturers and we design and develop assembly and installation products for charging solutions ourselves. Our technicians also manage commissioning and support of advanced charging systems.

With the help of our development department, we develop customer-unique solutions regardless of make. Contact us for further discussion or visit us in Mora.

In short: Next Green is your One-Stop-Shop when it comes to charging infrastructure for electric cars. That’s The Next Green Way.

Vi älskar att vara med redan i projekteringsstadiet.

Vi offererar och levererar utrustning till elinstallatörer, fastighetsägare, företag, kommuner, destinationer och privatpersoner runt om i Sverige. Vi samarbetar med några av marknadens bästa tillverkare och vi designar och utvecklar själva montage- och installationsprodukter till laddlösningar. Våra tekniker sköter även driftsättningar och support av avancerade laddsystem.

Med hjälp av vår utvecklingsavdelning tar vi fram kundunika lösningar oberoende av fabrikat. Kontakta oss för vidare diskussion eller besök oss i Mora.

Kort och gott: Next Green är Din One-Stop-Shop när det kommer till laddinfrastruktur för elbilar. Det är det som är The Next Green Way.

Next Green Wallplate 250 med Wallbox laddbox

Product made in-house in Sweden

Our skilled designers enable us to quickly develop new robust and rapidly assembled products that primarily cover the needs of our clients, electricians and property owners. We design and develop in-house, and all our manufacturing is done in Sweden.

Snabba leveranser från Next Green med DHL


Our products are delivered both within and outside Sweden’s borders. We work with DHL to deliver daily from our facility in Mora.

Next Green Polebox 205 D2 med ABB laddbox

Fast service

We value your time. Fast service is important to us and to our customers. This includes everything from customer support to quotes and deliveries. We are always just a phone call away. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Product development assembly and installation accessories

Next Green designar, utvecklar och tillverkar egna tillbehör till laddutrustning. Exempelvis laddboxhållare, väderskydd, laddkabelhållare och fästen.

Tillsammans med våra kunder utvecklar vi ständigt nya produkter. Kontakta oss när Du är i behov av en specialanpassad tillbehörsprodukt.

Next Green greatly values our collaborations with electricians around the country. This collaboration means that our solutions come from the field – from the real world. We often perceive a need for a product that does not yet exist or that can be improved, and this is exactly how many of our products have made it from the drawing board to reality.

We develop our products continuously in accordance with the needs and wishes of our customers. We are responsive and easy to get in touch with. Our products are developed in-house, and we always strive to make them as cost-effective as possible. All production is done in Sweden, and the finished products are sent out from our Mora facility.

Would you like to know more? Feel free to contact us!

Contact Next Green

Contact Next Green for more information about our services